

(+34) 600 538 413

University & Careers Guidance

Future ready

Access to the best universities in Spain and all around the world.

At ELIS Murcia, we support each individual student in their applications for the best courses at top global universities.

Our Upper School leadership team guides all students in the process of university applications. Through Secondary, and more explicitly from Year 11 onwards, careers and university guidance form part of the day to day for our older students. As global university places become more competitive, we ensure our students have access to the best guidance not only from professionals within school but from university admissions officers, and a diverse range of contributors.

Discover your child's career compass

Experience how our career guidance sets your child on the path to success!

Cities around the world where ELIS Murcia students have completed university studies:

ELIS Murcia university destinations

Work Experience

At El Limonar International School Murcia we are aware of the importance of enabling our students to adapt to the needs of the current workplace and, even more importantly, the workplace of the future. For this reason, our Careers Guidance Programme allows our students the opportunity to come into contact with both universities and the professional world.

The main objective of our Careers Guidance Programme is to help our students answer questions such as:
  • What do I want to study?

  • What do I want to be in the future?

  • Which universities should I apply to?

As a part of our ELIS Murcia University Guidance Programme, our Year 11 to Year 13 students participate in Work Experience placements in both the state and the private sector.

The aim of this activity, pioneer in our area of influence, is to provide ELIS students with first-hand knowledge of the reality of different professions, which in turn allows them to make better-informed choices about their future careers.

Work experience also gives them an advantage when applying for a place at a foreign and/or private university, since these practices enrich and differentiate their curriculum vitae.

The opportunities that await through our University Guidance Programme:

Book a Visit


We invite you to come and see our school in action: a great opportunity to learn about our varied curriculum and discover the learning atmosphere in our campuses.

We benefit from excellent university guidance allowing us to successfully attend prestigious universities in a variety of countries.

– Sixth Form student

Start a unique learning experience

Discover the enriching educational journey that awaits your child across the various stages at El Limonar International School Murcia.


3 - 5 years old


5 - 11 years old


11 - 16 years old


16 - 18 years old

Next Steps

Discover more about ELIS Murcia

ELIS El Limonar International British School Of Murcia

Admissions :Admisiones (+34) 600 538 413