Welcome to El Limonar International School Murcia
Since 1990, El Limonar International School Murcia has been a beacon of educational excellence, offering a British international curriculum to students aged 3 – 18, aligned with the National Curriculum for England and Wales.
By integrating the strengths of both Spanish and British Curricula, we empower students with a distinctive edge, resulting in graduates who attain dual qualifications: British IGCSEs and Spanish 'Graduate in Compulsory Secondary Education' certificate, coupled with Spanish 'Baccalaureate' and English A-Level certificates.
These achievements stand as a testament to our readiness for successful global university endeavours.
At ELIS Murcia, we are committed to nurturing every aspect of our students' development
From prioritising their wellbeing through caring and compassionate staff to fostering multilingual excellence and instilling a sense of global citizenship, we provide a holistic education that empowers students to thrive academically and personally.
Executive Principal,
Vanessa Grimward, MEd
Awarded European Regional Winner
2023 Pearson International School Leader of the Year
With extensive experience and a passion for education, Principal Vanessa Grimward, MEd, brings a wealth of knowledge to El Limonar International School Murcia. Her leadership embodies a commitment to fostering holistic growth and a dynamic learning environment for students.
- Vanessa Grimward, MEd
High quality learning experiences in exceptional facilities
Experience learning in state-of-the-art surroundings across our two exceptional campuses: the Buenavista Campus and Montevida Campus. Our world-class facilities are designed to inspire, support, and nurture every aspect of your child’s educational journey.
Buenavista Campus
Early Years & Primary
Spanning an impressive 63,000m², our Buenavista campus offers a world-class education.
Within our teaching buildings, you'll find IT suites, well-equipped science laboratories, art rooms, and drama and music studios. Our outdoor facilities feature an open-air amphitheatre, courts for tennis and paddle sports, a swimming pool, as well as expansive sports pitches and play areas.
Montevida Campus
Secondary & Sixth Form
State-of-the-art 15,000m² facilities, our Montevida Campus offers the highest quality education available in the region.
Our students thrive within a diverse and engaging curriculum, benefiting from specialist installations for athletics, sport, theatre studies, art and design, music, sciences, and investigation. This fosters collaborative and active learning experiences within our modern and innovative environment.
Book a Visit
We invite you to come and see our school in action: a great opportunity to learn about our varied curriculum and discover the learning atmosphere in our campuses.
School News
At ELIS Murcia, we are deeply committed to fostering a greener and more sustainable future for our students and community. As part of our ongoing efforts to...
At ELIS Murcia, we are committed to creating a personalized educational experience for all our students, and our latest initiative is an exciting step in this direction!...
Once again, ELIS Murcia proudly joined Cognita’s global family of schools in celebrating the 2024 edition of Global Be Well Day, a day dedicated to promoting wellbeing...
Raquel Sánchez Nieto, Primary Spanish Coordinator at ELIS Murcia, recently participated in a significant event at Universidad Camilo José Cela focused on student mental health. Experts in...
Our Year 7 team has excelled in the "Making a Difference" category with their "Support, Share, Care" project. We are incredibly proud of Saúl, Carlos, Marien, Iván,...
We are thrilled to share the joyous celebration of our Year 13 Graduation Ceremony, held last Friday at our Montevida campus. The day commenced with a touching...
We are thrilled to share the joyous celebration of our Year 13 Graduation Ceremony, held last Friday at our Montevida campus. The day commenced with a touching...
The day kicked off with the XVI edition of the well-known ELIS El Valle Trail race, the oldest trail race in the Region of Murcia, which took...
ELIS Murcia was privileged to host a distinguished delegation from the Cognita Europe Executive Leadership Team on March 5th and 6th, marking a significant moment in our...
Last Friday, we had our annual staff training day (Inset Day), bringing together all personnel from both ELIS schools at the Montevida campus of ELIS Murcia. The...
The objective of Cognita's 'Learning without Borders' programme is to facilitate the exchange of teaching methodologies, foster a comparative perspective, and enhance learning between schools over a...
Bringing Christmas to every corner of the Region of Murcia without exception. This has been the goal of ELIS Murcia for this year. And what better way...
🔥🧪 ¡Ciencia en acción! 🧪🔥
¡Esta semana en la clase de Ciencias, nuestros alumnos de Year 2 vivieron una experiencia de aprendizaje explosiva con una emocionante demostración sobre la combustibilidad de materiales! 🔥💥 Probamos la paja, la madera y los ladrillos para ver si se incendiaban y, en caso afirmativo, cuánto tiempo tardaban. 🪵🔥🌾
¡La curiosidad se percibía en el aire, los resultados fueron fascinantes y los estudiantes estuvieron totalmente involucrados! 😲✨ Es increíble ver cómo la ciencia cobra vida de esta manera: ¡aprendizaje práctico en su mejor versión! 🙌💡
🔥🧪 Science in action! 🧪🔥
This week in Science class, our Year 2 pupils had an explosive learning experience with an exciting demonstration on material combustibility! 🔥💥 We tested straw, wood, and bricks to see if they would catch fire, and if so, how long it would take. 🪵🔥🌾
The curiosity was high, the results were fascinating, and the students were absolutely engaged! 😲✨ It`s amazing to see science come to life like this—hands-on learning at its best! 🙌💡
#WeAreELIS #WeAreCognita #ELISMurcia

♻️🌍 ¡Nuestros EcoLíderes de Year 8 están marcando la diferencia! 👏✨
Han diseñado y colocado cajas de reciclaje de papel 📦📄 en las aulas de Montevida. Todo el papel desechado en estas cajas se trasladará a los contenedores de reciclaje principales.
¡Un gran paso para hacer nuestro colegio aún más sostenible! 🌱💚 ¡Bien hecho, Year 8! 🙌
♻️🌍 Our Year 8 EcoLeaders are making a difference! 👏✨
They have designed and set up paper recycling boxes 📦📄 for the classrooms at Montevida. All paper waste from these boxes will be transferred to the main recycling bins.
A great step towards making our school even more sustainable! 🌱💚 Well done, Year 8! 🙌
#WeAreELIS #WeAreCognita #ELISMurcia

En El Limonar International School Murcia nos encanta abrir nuestras puertas y compartir el día a día del centro con padres interesados en que sus hijos se formen en un colegio internacional.
El MIÉRCOLES 5 DE MARZO A LAS 10 DE LA MAÑANA, podréis conocer al personal docente, visitar las instalaciones, vivir el ambiente de una clase, descubrir las dinámicas de aprendizaje y cómo los niños y niñas hablan y aprenden en inglés desde el primer día preparándose para un futuro internacional.
At El Limonar International School Murcia, we love opening our doors and sharing the daily life of the school with parents who are interested in having their children educated at an international school.
ON WEDNESDAY 5th MARCH AT 10 IN THE MORNING, you will have the opportunity to meet the teaching staff, tour the facilities, experience the classroom environment, discover the learning dynamics and see how children speak and learn in English from day one, preparing them for an international future.
Register at https://elismurcia.com/open-days-visits/
#ELISMurcia #WeAreCognita #WeAreELIS

Nuestros alumnos de Year 6 y Year 7 han estado practicando Acrosport durante las últimas semanas, ¡una disciplina que combina acrobacias, danza y gimnasia en parejas o grupos! 🤸♀️🤸♂️ Han trabajado para desarrollar fuerza, coordinación y agilidad, ¡y cada grupo ha hecho un trabajo brillante! 💪👏 ¡Enhorabuena a todos! 🌟 ¡Seguid con este increíble trabajo en equipo! 🙌
Our Year 6 & 7 students have been practising Acrosport over the past few weeks – a sport that combines acrobatics, dance, and gymnastics in pairs or groups. 🤸♀️🤸♂️ They’ve worked hard to develop strength, coordination, and agility, and each group has done a brilliant job! 💪👏 Well done, everyone! 🌟 Keep up the amazing teamwork and dedication! 🙌
#WeAreELIS #WeAreCognita #ELISMurcia

🦕 ¡Visita especial de un paleontólogo! 🦖
Nuestros alumnos de Year 1 están explorando la lectoescritura a través de un proyecto sobre los dinosaurios, y recibieron una increíble sorpresa. ¡El abuelo de Ayla, un verdadero experto en el tema, visitó nuestra clase con un esqueleto de dinosaurio! 🦴🤩
También nos enseñó a crear fósiles de mandíbulas, dientes y huesos. ¡Qué clase más extraordinaria! 🏺✨
Le enviamos un enorme GRACIAS por compartir su conocimiento y pasión con nosotros. 🙌
🦕 A Special Visit from a Paleontologist! 🦖
Our Year 1 students are exploring literacy through a project about dinosaurs, and today they had an incredible surprise! Ayla’s grandfather, a true expert in the field, visited our class with a real dinosaur skeleton! 🦴🤩
He also showed us how to create fossils of jaws, teeth, and bones—what an extraordinary lesson! 🏺✨
A huge THANK YOU for sharing your knowledge and passion with us! 🙌
#WeAreELIS #WeAreCognita #ELISMurcia

Los medios se hacen eco de nuestra reciente feria STEM: “Las carreras de ciencias atraen cada vez a más alumnas de la Región de Murcia”.
The media highlight our recent STEM fair: ‘Science careers are increasingly attracting more female students in the Region of Murcia’.
#WeAreELIS #WeAreCognita #ELISMurcia

🌟 Hoy, en el Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia, nuestras brillantes alumnas del curso de Year 8 en el campus de Montevida disfrutaron de una clase especial para celebrar las increíbles contribuciones de las mujeres en STEM. 💡👩🔬
Tuvieron la oportunidad de conocer a exalumnas que actualmente están destacando en sus carreras de ciencias. 🌍✨ Junto a ellas, exploramos las múltiples formas en que las mujeres han marcado la ciencia: algunas más conocidas, otras menos reconocidas, pero todas igualmente decisivas. 💪🔬
¡Estamos increíblemente orgullosos de nuestras estudiantes y exalumnas, que siguen rompiendo barreras e inspirando a la próxima generación de científicas! 💖👩🔬🌟
🌟 Today, on International Day of Women and Girls in Science, our talented Year 8 students at the Montevida campus enjoyed a special class celebrating the incredible contributions of women in STEM! 💡👩🔬
They had the opportunity to meet inspiring former students who are currently thriving in their STEM careers. 🌍✨ Alongside them, we explored the many ways women have shaped the world of science — some well-known, others less recognized, but all equally impactful. 💪🔬
We are incredibly proud of our students and alumnae, who continue to break barriers and inspire the next generation of female scientists! 💖👩🔬🌟
#WeAreELIS #WeAreCognita #ELISMurcia

🎉 ¡Felicidades, Jing! 🎉
¡Nos complace compartir que Jing ha recibido una oferta de la Universidad de St. Andrew’s en Escocia para estudiar Ciencias de la Computación! 🖥️🎓 ¡Es una oportunidad increíble para él, y solo una de las varias ofertas que está considerando! 🌟
¡Te deseamos lo mejor, Jing, mientras das este gran paso en tu viaje académico! 🚀✨
🎉 Congratulations, Jing! 🎉
We are thrilled to share that Jing has received an offer from St. Andrew’s University in Scotland to study Computer Science! 🖥️🎓 This is such an exciting opportunity for him, and just one of several offers he’s considering! 🌟
We wish you all the best, Jing, as you take this next big step in your academic journey! 🚀✨
#WeAreELIS #WeAreCognita #ELISMurcia

Start a unique learning experience
Discover the enriching educational journey that awaits your child across the various stages at El Limonar International School Murcia.
3 - 5 years old
5 - 11 years old
11 - 16 years old
16 - 18 years old
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